Over the years Sweeny Schools have looked much different than what we have today. Take a look back at some of the facilities where teachers and students once roamed.
Sweeny's First School
This 1943 Google satellite image shows the Berta Barclay Building
The Layout of Campus in 1950's
Sweeny's First School Building built in 1913 Conerstone from first school in safe keeping First building burned in 1926 Next building built shortly after first one burned. First Building 1930 Picture of Second Building Building was named Berta Barclay after a teacher in 1951 Tree houses, wings and playgrounds added over time Today, mostly empty lot Current Junior High
This 1943 Google satellite image shows the new High School which opened in 1939.
Campus Layout 1950's
1947 Fly Over H and E Building Shop Building Junior High Buildings at first, later Intermediate Buildings Buck Manley Stadium Inside orginal gym, later became the auditorium 1949 expansion plan and gym construction 1950's Photos 1950's Photos 1950's Photos Today the gym is only building left.
George Washington Carver
This 1943 Google satellite image shows George Washington Carver Not Yet Built
Campus Layout in 1950's
Gym and Class Rooms
Shop and Class Rooms Class Rooms Class Rooms Today only two wings left.
Current High School
1965 Fly Over
Original Layout
Audiotorium Field House Science Gym Home Economics Biology Chemistry Stadium Band Hall Today