Mary Lou and Bobby Nairn were kind enough to share their photo album. Enjoy and thanks to the Nairns.
Places | |
Where Dairy Mart is now 1955 | |
Sweeny Gin 1919 | |
Meadors Groc., Theater and Drug Store 1949 | |
Theater, Drug Store, Dr. Laughlin’s Office 1949 | |
Theater and Drug Store 1950 | |
Bob Reddings Cleaners, Bill Murrays, City Café 1949 | |
Kimmey and Eades 1949 | |
Bills Home and Auto, Harris Electric, Murphy’s First Jewelry 1948 | |
Harris Electric and Barber Shop | Radio TV Shop |
1949 Williams 66 Station, Dixie Grill and Hotel | |
Barber Shop, Williams Service Station 1950 | |
First Dixie Grill Burned and rebuilt Mrs. Jordan | |
People Around Town | |
Dave Chenault Banker | Eddy Mayer 1950 Mexican Parade |
Pauline Henton, Jane Mayer Mayer’s Drug 1950 | 1950 Royce Murphy |
Bob Redding Cleaners 1950 | Bill Murray |
Unknown | Unknown |
"Lighting" Friday Reynolds Store 1939 | |
Misc. | |
Drilling rig. BF McDonald B-1, Old Ocean Field, 14,378 feet, spudded 9/2/1942,3rd. deepest well in world, deepest in Texas. Left to right Bud Heickman, Fred Baimbridge, P A “Jack” Keitel, Frank R Early, Bob Clark, Leroy Phillips. | |
Family picture Baker House | |
Frank Orr | |
Pecan Street 1917 | |
Geese | |
Deer | Frank Orr, John Hodgen bear on wagon 1917 |
Bear | Frank Orr |
Bobby Nairn and Bear | |
Newspaper Articles | |
whl |