Houston Post October 2, 1943
Section 5 (Sweeny-Bay City Section) featured the Abercrombie-Harrison Defense Plant construction by J F Pritchard and Co. As is known, the plant was built by the Defense Department and managed by Abercrombie-Harrison primarily for refining high octane aviation fuel for war use. Construction started May 1942 and was scheduled to complete by the end of 1943. Abercrombie-Harrison were not to realize any profit from managing this venture for the duration of the war. The Federal Housing Authority constructed a housing project (Yellow Houses and possibly Harab subdivision) to house about 250 families which included a community cafeteria and a community house for public gatherings and entertainment. At the time plans were being developed to build an elementary school. Post war plans included a post office at Old Ocean and a recreation center including a golf course and swimming pool.
There have been other writings about the beginnings of this plant, which eventually becomes Phillips, but with the emphasis on the war effort this article is unique.
The newspaper is in bad shape, so the text of the one article written by Morris Frank is all that is included, however images of other pages are included for headlines and layout purposes.